Style your UI like a painter,
Not engineer!

Minimalism SASS-based style kit


npm install bruss

@use it in your sass

  // All the variables
  $theme: (
    container-max-width: 640px,
    container-padding-x: 8vw,
    radius : 16px,
    colors: ( "white": #ffffff, "black": #1b1b1b, "ink": #555, "ink": #555, "primary": #FAE305 ),
    darken: 10%, lighten: 10%,
    texts: ( "1": 36px, "2": 24px, "3": 20px, "4": 17px, "5": 15px, "6":13px, "7":11px ),
    lineHeight: 1.5,
    sizes:  ( "24": 24px, "32": 32px, "36": 36px, "48": 48px, "54": 54px, "64": 64px ),
    spacings: ( "5": 5px, "10": 10px, "15": 15px, "20": 20px, "30": 30px, "50": 50px, "100": 100px ),

  // use the kit
  @use 'bruss' with ( $theme : $theme );

Core Concept

Atomic class design

Flexible and intuitive, although there may be some side effects of style saturation (but the increased file size of the stylesheet is negligible).

Keep it in the style domain

Use stylesheets to solve styling problems directly, without involving frameworks, logic, or compilation processes (avoiding the complexities introduced by frameworks like Tailwind CSS).

80% is good!

We do not attempt to solve all styling needs. By focusing on the 80% of common styling requirements, we keep the cognitive load manageable. More customized styles can be easily added as needed.

Class References



A wrapper with a maximum width of [$container-max-width] and horizontal padding of [$container-padding-x] when on mobile.






Defines flex-grow properties (* is 1-5)




Defines a flex row container, centers its child elements both horizontally and vertically.

.grid .grid-cols-*


Defines grid layouts with columns ( * is 2-6).


set gap between children in .flex-row or .grid.




Displays the element as an inline-block or block.





Fixes the element to the top or bottom of its container.





Positions the element absolutely at the top-left, top-right, bottom-left, or bottom-right corner of its container.



Floats the element to the left or right.




Set the text alignment of the element to left, right, or center.









Set various margin properties.








Set various padding properties.





Set the width and height of the element to [size] units.



Set the width/height of the element to 100%.



Set the width/height of the element to 100vw/vh.

.w-min-100 .h-min-100

Set the minimum width/height of the element to 100vw/vh.



Set the font size.


Set the line height.




Set the text color






Various text style helpers.



text wrap





Set the bg color



Set the background to image cover mode, or to transparent





Set borders with color






Modify the border




Modify the border width





Hides the element on different devices.




Set border radius.


Make the element circular, only works when pairing with class `h-{size}` `wh-{size}`.


Set pointer as cursor, opacity 60% when :active.



Various layout helpers.